T. Ment
2019-10-24 17:08:22 UTC
Next to survey is Pharlap 286. With a 286 extender, 16-bit compilers
like Microsoft C 6.0 work, because 64k segments are still used. But the
total memory allowed is 16MB, a big increase from 640k real mode.
I have two books on extended DOS, Williams' DOS and Windows Protected
Mode, and Duncan's Extending DOS. Both cover Pharlap 286, with sample
code to learn from. The 286 era lasted long enough to matter, and you
had to get started then, or miss out. It was several years before 386
systems became prevalent. And your 286 code still worked.
Vetusware has Pharlap 286 Lite, and the commercial 3.1 sdk. Lite has a
2MB memory limit (so they claim). Lite includes an abbreviated 50 page
manual. The 3.1 sdk only had printed documentation, which is not found
in the download. So I got both. It would be better to have the printed
docs, but that would be a rare find now.
There's also a patch from 3.10 to 3.12.
Some files in the patch archive are corrupt with Windows zip. 7z didn't
complain. I'll try and see if the patch works.
like Microsoft C 6.0 work, because 64k segments are still used. But the
total memory allowed is 16MB, a big increase from 640k real mode.
I have two books on extended DOS, Williams' DOS and Windows Protected
Mode, and Duncan's Extending DOS. Both cover Pharlap 286, with sample
code to learn from. The 286 era lasted long enough to matter, and you
had to get started then, or miss out. It was several years before 386
systems became prevalent. And your 286 code still worked.
Vetusware has Pharlap 286 Lite, and the commercial 3.1 sdk. Lite has a
2MB memory limit (so they claim). Lite includes an abbreviated 50 page
manual. The 3.1 sdk only had printed documentation, which is not found
in the download. So I got both. It would be better to have the printed
docs, but that would be a rare find now.
There's also a patch from 3.10 to 3.12.
Some files in the patch archive are corrupt with Windows zip. 7z didn't
complain. I'll try and see if the patch works.