Post by B. R. 'BeAr' EdersonNone. A shortcut isn't a shell, but a defined structure to information
Hi Bear,
We go way back, over the years, where you're always purposefully helpful.
Hence thanks for your purposefully helpful added value to the Potluck.
o Linking to a launcher is EXACTLY what we did to SOLVE the stated problem.
Bear in mind, it's extremely useful, particularly for encrypted file
containers, to be able to mount and unmount ALL of them, instantly.
Post by B. R. 'BeAr' EdersonAs long as you do not wish to link to script files, which of course could
execute several commands, your only other option would be to link to a
launcher program, that is able to execute several commands listed as its
command line arguments.
The goal, always, is efficiency & part of efficiency is portability, where
NOT having to create, maintain, and port batch files is useful.
Also, having a shortcut on the taskbar that doesn't require anything else
to run, or having a Start > Run command in the registry that also doesn't
require anything else to run - is useful - particularly given the goal is
efficiently quick mounting and dismounting of ALL encrypted file containers
in a single operation.
Post by B. R. 'BeAr' Edersoncmd.exe /c notepad C:\Temp\1.txt && notepad C:\Temp\2.txt
cmd.exe /c notepad C:\Temp\1.txt & notepad C:\Temp\2.txt
cmd.exe /c start notepad C:\Temp\1.txt & notepad C:\Temp\2.txt
The first version starts the second command only if the first command
succeeded successfully. The second version starts the second command
when the first completed (successful or not). The third version starts
the second command directly after starting the first (while the first
is still running).
Yup. Thanks for your purposefully helpful on-topic suggestion, which is the
only one known to man that fits the stated problem set (AFAIK).
I figured what you already knew out after Grant kindly told me to stop
wasting time trying to get the ampersand syntax to work in the TARGET all
by itself.
Then, when I looked up the old "grep" rolodex command tutorial we created,
and when I then saw the old "open the admin command window with big fonts &
a red background" tutorials from years ago that we wrote, I instantly
remembered and realized we used the compec with an added switch whenever we
found that we couldn't nest commands in the Windows shortcut TARGET line:
That is, this failed in the shortcut TARGET line:
o cmd1 & cmd2
This worked in the shortcut TARGET line:
o %comspec% /k cmd1 & cmd2
o %comspec% /c cmd1 & cmd2
Where the commands could have been anything, e.g.,
o TARGET = %comspec% /k date /T > sys.txt & ipconfig /all >> sys.txt & route print >> sys.txt & netsh int ip show route >> sys.txt & systeminfo >> sys.txt & net start >> sys.txt & dir /s/a/l/on/b C:\ *.* >> sys.txt
But where, in this situation of mounting encrypted file containers, it was:
o TARGET = %comspec% /k VeraCrypt /volume X.hc /letter X /auto /quit /explore & VeraCrypt /volume Y.hc /letter Y /auto /quit /explore
NOTE: The Truecrypt "beep" switch doesn't seem to work with Veracrypt.
%comspec% /k Truecrypt /volume /letter X /auto /quit /explore /beep & Truecrypt /volume /letter Y /auto /quit /explore /beep
NOTE: The Veracrypt applications has switches to unmount all containers:
o TARGET = VeraCrypt /dismount /force
In summary, this problem set has been SOLVED - thanks to you & Grant.
Over the years, we've all grown to know who brings purposefully helpful
added value to the Usenet potluck, where I appreciate your post, and that
from Grant Taylor, both of which were adult purposefully helpful posts
which brought value to share with the interested Windows community, such
that we can now easily mount and dismount all the encrypted file containers
with an efficient single TARGET line of nested Veracrypt/Truecrypt
I will not respond further to the worthless child-like trolls Rudy Wieser
and Mayayana, both of whom not only posted dead wrong information, but
neither of whom had any intent of purposefully adding adult value.